How use this site?
First, please register. Then use the tour page for specific topics.
How to stop email reminders?
Log on to the site using your username or email address and password. If you have forgotten your password you can have it reset. Visit the profile page and uncheck the box labeled "Email me about First Fridays" and click the "Save" button.
Why do you need my time zone?
We collect your time zone so we can send you reminder emails at the correct time of day. We try to send First Friday reminder emails at about 9am. To change yours edit it in your Profile.
Where does the advertising and donation money go?
If we make any money with the ads or donations on this site we give it to the Catholic Church. We have a few bills like website hosting and our own advertising costs. We take care of those and then donate the balance.
How can I advertise on this site?
If you would like to advertise on this site please fill out the contact form.